Seminars and lectureships


  • Cátedra Centroamérica

    Los objetivos programáticos de esta cátedra son dos: el primero es dar la oportunidad para recibir a intelectuales centroamericanos que están viviendo una condición de exilio, vulnerabilidad e inestabilidad laborales debido al cierre de los espacios democráticos en sus países de origen;  y el segundo, y no menos importante, es el fortalecimiento de la discusión acerca de los procesos de cambio que se están dando en Centroamérica, particularmente, los de erosión de sus instituciones democráticas y la puesta en marcha de prácticas autoritarias, en tanto que dichos procesos repercuten de distintas maneras en México y el resto de América Latina. Como parte de sus actividades, el titular de la Cátedra deberá promover actividades académicas para analizar la situación actual del istmo centroamericano. 
  • Seminar on Violence and Peace

    The Seminar was created with the idea of establishing a space for dialogue in which opinions converge from all spheres: academia, organized civil society, government agencies, journalists, and the student community. The Presidency of El Colegio, the Center for International Studies (CEI) and the coordinator of the Seminar, Dr. Sergio Aguayo, started the project in 2013. Since it is a forum for discussion, it has broad support in the community of El Colegio and of various of its academic Centers.
  • Jean Bourgeois-Pichat Chair in Demography

    The Jean Bourgeois-Pichat Chair on Demography was created in October 2004 under the auspices of the French Embassy and with the support of El Colegio de México, the Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) and the Institut de la Recherche pour le Dévéloppement (IRD). It is named after a famous French demographer who participated in the founding of the INED in 1945, an institution that he directed between 1962 and 1971 after having served for ten years as Director of the United Nations Population Division (1953-1962). The purpose of this Chair is to recognize the extensive work of this demographer and, more broadly, the contributions of French schools of demography. The Chai promotes lectures which emphasize the importance of rigorous management of demographic methodologies to answer essential questions of the future of society with attention to implications for public policy.
  • Research Network on Inequality

    The Research Network on Inequality of El Colegio de México intends to establish close links between individual and/or collective investigations on the subject, obtain external financing to support them, as well as to generate public policy recommendations that allow it to insert research and results into the public agenda at both the national and international levels. Presently, the work of this Research Network on inequality includes a series of permanent seminars, online courses and annual reports. Presently, the work of this Research Network on inequality includes a series of permanent seminars, online courses and annual reports.
  • Seminar on Work, Employment and Inequality

    The Seminar receives financial support from the Fundación Ford and is coordinated by Dr. Landy Sánchez.
  • Seminar on Migration, Inequality and Public Policy

    This research seminar carries on a program on migration, inequality and public policies in Mexico and other countries with financial support from the German Office of Academic Exchange (DAAD) Servicio Alemán de Intercambio Académico (DAAD) and is coordinated by Dr. Claudia Masferrer.
  • Permanent Research Seminar on Socioeconomic Inequality

    Coordination by Dr. Patricio Solís.